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Improving the diagnosis
of tuberculosis
in children

More info
children holding together

The Decide-TB project is an implementation research project aiming to improve the diagnosis and management of tuberculosis in children by using treatment decision algorithms (TDAs).

These algorithms will help clinicians to make rapid and consistent decisions for the treatment of tuberculosis in children.

About the project

The Decide-TB project will

  • Use treatment decision algorithms (TDAs) in district hospitals and primary health centres
  • Evaluate how TDAs increase the number of children started on TB treatment and if they detect TB accurately
  • Develop tools, procedures, and training curricula for use of TDAs by healthcare workers
  • Support the integration of TDAs into practices and policy

The project will be implemented from 2023 to 2027 in Mozambique and Zambia, 2 countries with high TB-burden in sub-Saharan Africa.

Decide-TB is funded by the European Union.

Key figures

poumon picto
1 090 000

new tuberculosis cases
in children in 2022

bloque note picto
400 000

TB cases in children were
notified to WHO in 2022

children picto
226 000

children died because
of tuberculosis in 2022

Latest news

During September 2024, Decide TB begins its implementation in Zambia, in the first selected district !

Healthcare Workers training, deployment of digital tools for data collection, supply completion…

All hands on deck!

DecideTB Newsletter1 Post

First Decide TB Newsletter !

On this 2024 World TB day, the Decide TB project team is also happy to share its first newsletter! To be published every 6 months, the newsletter will be an opportunity to keep you informed of the progress of the project, in terms of the actions undertaken on the ground as well as its current […]

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